Harry B. Knights
More than 30 mouthwatering recipes
When faced with the challenge of explaining Christmas visits by Santa Claus to his children, Harry B. Knights sought a logical approach and he decided to turn his first draft of a college writing assignment into his first book, “The Nicolas Story.” Since 1970 the Nicholas Stories have grown to more than 2 trilogies, and is now joined by Angel’s Star. Have you ever wondered why some people have angels on top of their Christmas trees and other’s a star? A young girl named Angel discovers that Christmas is the birthday of a very special child and the meaning behind why we give and receive presents at Christmas time. Angel decides that she would like to give the child a birthday present of his own, the problem is, what should she give him? The answer may surprise you. This story is a must for anyone that has an “Angel” of their own...
$16.95, Hardcover 32 pp, 9”x 12” ISBN-13: 978-0-9773399-7-6 |
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